Tag archives for yoga - Page 4
4 Maneras Para Avanzar Su Práctica de Asanas ~ Maya Devi Georg
Nada me enloquece más que oír cuando las personas me dicen que soy naturalmente flexible. Porque no lo soy. En el 1999, cuando empecé a practicar el yoga, no podía…
Yoga: A Warrior’s Practice ~ Chris Kiran Aarya
"As a samurai, I must strengthen my character; as a human being I must perfect my spirit" ~Yamaoka Tesshu, Founder of Shoden Muto-Ryu School of The Sword If you tell…
Menu Delle Feste Vegano ~ Lucia Vimercati
Si avvicinano le feste di fine anno e se desiderate festeggiare con un gustoso menu cruelty free, ecco le mie proposte. Alcune ricette sono già presenti nel blog e vi ho…
The Goddess & The Guru (Excerpt) ~ Michael M. Bowden
The following is an excerpt of The Goddess and the Guru, the astonishing, inspiring – and yet deeply human – life of Dr. Nishtala Prahlada Sastry (better known today as Sri Amritananda…
Vegan Kale Risotto ~ Maya Devi Georg
I love risotto! The basic concept of the dish is to simply cook rice in a sauce pan as you slowly add liquid. It is easy to make and is…
La Vida Secreta de un Maestro de Yoga: 10 Cosas Que tal vez no Sepas. ~ Chris Kiran Aarya & Maya Devi Georg
Enseñar yoga puede parecer atractivo y emocionante para algunos. Parece que tenemos una energía ilimitada, que hacemos yoga todo el día, estirándonos y relajándonos. Desearíamos que esto fuera verdad. Enseñar…
Wild Thing Variations ~ Maya Devi Georg
These Wild Thing variations are for people that are already comfortable and steady in wild thing pose. Things to remember: keep your hand forward of the shoulder, keep your foot…
Finding the Soul in the Traumatized Body ~ Chris Livanos
“You probably aren’t doing enough yoga.” Those were the words of the emergency room doctor after my wife somehow managed to hoist me into the back of a car and…
Comment meurent les studios de Yoga. ~ Maya Devi Georg and Chris Kiran Aarya
Alors que la mode du Yoga bat son plein, aux Etats-unis et au Canada de plus en plus de studios de Yoga ferment et ; Comment expliquer ce paradoxe ? Cela…
Vegan Apple Fritters ~ Maya Devi Georg
Apple fritters are really just healthy doughnuts, and making them vegan is even better! Warm and gently spiced, these tasty treats can be made as a desert or as an alternative…