Tag archives for maya devi georg - Page 2
4 τρόποι για να εξελίξετε την πρακτική της ασάνα ~ Maya Devi Georg
Τίποτα δεν με εξαγριώνει περισσότερο από το να ακούω ανθρώπους να μου λένε ότι είμαι ευλύγιστη από τη φύση μου. Επειδή δεν είμαι. Το 1999 όταν ξεκίνησα να κάνω πρακτική…
La Vida Secreta de un Maestro de Yoga: 10 Cosas Que tal vez no Sepas. ~ Chris Kiran Aarya & Maya Devi Georg
Enseñar yoga puede parecer atractivo y emocionante para algunos. Parece que tenemos una energía ilimitada, que hacemos yoga todo el día, estirándonos y relajándonos. Desearíamos que esto fuera verdad. Enseñar…
Take A Good Hard Look At Yourself ~ Maya Devi Georg
“Look at yourself.” What does the phrase mean to you? What images does it conjure, what memories are resurrected within you? It makes me thing of a David Sedaris short story,…
Melomakarona: Delicious Vegan Spice Cookies ~ Maya Devi Georg
These traditional Greek Christmas cookies are delicious, and Yes! They are vegan! Actually, most traditional Greek dishes are vegan and the Greek Orthodox Church has a fasting guide (for those who…
6 Reasons To Stop Obsessing Over Alignment ~ Maya Devi Georg
Settle down and unbunch your panties! Yes, yoga poses must be taught and performed in a way that eliminates the risk for injury. And, yes, the poses should be visually recognizable.…
Fanfare Or Fatronizing? ~ Maya Devi Georg
There is a growing phenomenon on social media. Yes, it is of yoga practitioners with tens of thousands of followers. And, yes, they post sexy selfies of themselves in asanas.…
4 Ways To Advance Your Asana Practice ~ Maya Devi Georg
Maya Devi Georg Photo by Drew Xeron Nothing makes me crazier than hearing people tell me I’m naturally flexible. Because I’m not. In 1999, when I started practicing yoga. I…
Why I Hate Hot Yoga ~ Maya Devi Georg
Now, please don't get offended! I know that many fine folks love their hot yoga. They like the heat, and the… heat? Ok. I’m not sure why they like it,…
Tidings of Comfort and Joy ~ Maya Devi Georg & Chris Kiran Aarya
During the holidays we show our love through the exchange of gifts, just as the wise men brought gifts to Christ, and just as Christ brought his gifts to the…
How Yoga Studios Die ~ Maya Devi Georg and Chris Kiran Aarya
We’ve seen many studios die. It happens slowly, and begins long before students stop coming to class. Yoga studios die for the same reason that love dies: laziness, disrespect, and…