Author Archives: Maya Georg - Page 6
Take A Good Hard Look At Yourself ~ Maya Devi Georg
“Look at yourself.” What does the phrase mean to you? What images does it conjure, what memories are resurrected within you? It makes me thing of a David Sedaris short story,…
Melomakarona: Delicious Vegan Spice Cookies ~ Maya Devi Georg
These traditional Greek Christmas cookies are delicious, and Yes! They are vegan! Actually, most traditional Greek dishes are vegan and the Greek Orthodox Church has a fasting guide (for those who…
The Loneliness of The Internet Ether ~ Maya Devi Georg
Years ago, when I was young, I was a party girl. Up all night, drinking and smoking, dancing on bar tops, making friends and having fun. Until, it stopped being…
Podziw czy protekcjonalność? ~ Maya Devi Georg
Rośnie w siłę pewien fenomen w mediach społecznościowych. Tak, dotyczy praktykujących jogę z dziesiątkami tysięcy wielbicieli. I tak, umieszczają oni seksowne selfi w asanach. Jedyne, czym wyróżniają się w zalewającej…
Tajemne życie nauczyciela jogi: 10 rzeczy, których możesz nie wiedzieć ~ Chris Kiran Aarya & Maya Devi Georg
Uczenie jogi może wydawać się niektórym zajęciem prestiżowym i ekscytującym, a nauczyciele osobami z niespożytą energią, całymi dniami ćwiczący jogę, rozciągający się i relaksujący. Chcielibyśmy, żeby to była ;Uczenie jogi…
6 Reasons To Stop Obsessing Over Alignment ~ Maya Devi Georg
Settle down and unbunch your panties! Yes, yoga poses must be taught and performed in a way that eliminates the risk for injury. And, yes, the poses should be visually recognizable.…
Fanfare Or Fatronizing? ~ Maya Devi Georg
There is a growing phenomenon on social media. Yes, it is of yoga practitioners with tens of thousands of followers. And, yes, they post sexy selfies of themselves in asanas.…
4 Ways To Advance Your Asana Practice ~ Maya Devi Georg
Maya Devi Georg Photo by Drew Xeron Nothing makes me crazier than hearing people tell me I’m naturally flexible. Because I’m not. In 1999, when I started practicing yoga. I…
Is Asana Yoga? ~ Maya Devi Georg
Photo by Drew Xeron Maya Devi Georg Yoga asanas, the physical exercises most folks simply call ‘yoga,’ are seen everywhere. Social media, gyms, parks, ads; it’s as popular today…
Tits & Ass In A Mala: Queen Of The Cage ~ Maya Devi Georg
Maya Devi Georg In 2013 I wrote an article called Tits & Ass in a Mala: Yoga in the Media - it was obviously about the media and its portrayal of…