Author Archives: Maya Georg - Page 5
Vegan Kale Risotto ~ Maya Devi Georg
I love risotto! The basic concept of the dish is to simply cook rice in a sauce pan as you slowly add liquid. It is easy to make and is…
4 τρόποι για να εξελίξετε την πρακτική της ασάνα ~ Maya Devi Georg
Τίποτα δεν με εξαγριώνει περισσότερο από το να ακούω ανθρώπους να μου λένε ότι είμαι ευλύγιστη από τη φύση μου. Επειδή δεν είμαι. Το 1999 όταν ξεκίνησα να κάνω πρακτική…
Yoga & The Mountaintop ~ Chris Livanos
A seasoned instructor at a local yoga studio told me that she would often watch Martin Luther King speak, reflecting on how he spoke and why people followed him. Dr. King’s…
Everybody Loves A Bully ~ Maya Devi Georg & Chris Kiran Aarya
Everybody loves a bully. In politics, at work, in yoga, bullying is part of almost every organization and institution because it helps maintain the status quo. Now I know what…
Finding the Soul in the Traumatized Body ~ Chris Livanos
“You probably aren’t doing enough yoga.” Those were the words of the emergency room doctor after my wife somehow managed to hoist me into the back of a car and…
Vegan Apple Fritters ~ Maya Devi Georg
Apple fritters are really just healthy doughnuts, and making them vegan is even better! Warm and gently spiced, these tasty treats can be made as a desert or as an alternative…
Stop Bitching About Yoga Alliance ~ Maya Devi Georg
The latest hot topic in the yoga world is about how much Yoga Alliance sucks. This is mostly done by teachers that conduct teacher trainings. While they were content to…
Guilt Is Good: Why Feeling Bad Is Good For Us ~Maya Devi Georg
In ancient Greece guilt was given divine form as the Erinyes, literally meaning 'angry ones,' they were also called Furies for the terrible power they held. This trio of feminine monsters were born…
Take A Good Hard Look At Yourself ~ Maya Devi Georg
“Look at yourself.” What does the phrase mean to you? What images does it conjure, what memories are resurrected within you? It makes me thing of a David Sedaris short story,…
Melomakarona: Delicious Vegan Spice Cookies ~ Maya Devi Georg
These traditional Greek Christmas cookies are delicious, and Yes! They are vegan! Actually, most traditional Greek dishes are vegan and the Greek Orthodox Church has a fasting guide (for those who…