Love Sadhana Part 2: Accepting Unconditional Love ~ Maya Devi Georg & Chris Kiran Aarya
Real love is unconditional love. Love is not reserved for our pets, or our bed partners, or parents. This, or any practice is not about getting laid or married. It’s…
Love Sadhana Part 1: Unconditional Love ~ Chris Kiran Aarya & Maya Devi Georg
Some people hear the term unconditional love and snicker. They think that its all the stuff of a teenage girl’s fantasy, with visions of Cinderella, 16 Candles, or Pretty Woman.…
Amrita and Ambrosia: The nectar of Immortality ~ Evi Bouzaki
I get very inspired from myths even though I sometimes forget the story. The myths that unfold in Greek and Indian texts are intriguing and can stimulate a certain philosophical idea that…
How Yoga Studios Die ~ Maya Devi Georg and Chris Kiran Aarya
We’ve seen many studios die. It happens slowly, and begins long before students stop coming to class. Yoga studios die for the same reason that love dies: laziness, disrespect, and…
7 Signs Your Friend May Be Jealous & What You Can Do About It ~ Chris Kiran Aarya
Do you have a friend who constantly rains on your parade? Do you ever wonder why they do it? Perhaps you just experienced something good in your life; you got…
Dear Veggie Friends, Stop Being A$$h*les ~ Maya Devi Georg
I have been a vegetarian for about 12 years. In that time I have spent years being vegan, raw vegan, ovo-lacto vegetarian, and all points in between. I find that…
Μην Συγκρατείτε Τον Ενθουσιασμό Σας, Απελευθερώστε τον! ~ Chris Kiran Aarya
Πριν από λίγους μήνες περπατούσα μέσα σε ένα μαγαζί στο Άμστερνταμ και είδα ένα περιοδικό της γιόγκα σε ένα από τα ράφια. Ενθουσιασμένος το πήρα στα χέρια μου και το…
Turn Yourself Up To 11! By Chris Kiran Aarya
A few months ago, I was walking through an Amsterdam shop and saw a yoga magazine on the shelf. Excited, I picked it up and paged through it until I…
Tits & Ass In A Mala: Queen Of The Cage ~ Maya Devi Georg
Maya Devi Georg In 2013 I wrote an article called Tits & Ass in a Mala: Yoga in the Media - it was obviously about the media and its portrayal of…
6 Ways to Tell if Your Favorite Celebri-Yogi Teacher Can Actually Teach ~ Maya Devi Georg
You’ve saved your pennies to attend the latest conference, mainly to take a class with your favorite celebri-yogi teacher. This celebrity teacher may have been featured on the cover of…