Tag archives for yoga - Page 6
Tajemne życie nauczyciela jogi: 10 rzeczy, których możesz nie wiedzieć ~ Chris Kiran Aarya & Maya Devi Georg
Uczenie jogi może wydawać się niektórym zajęciem prestiżowym i ekscytującym, a nauczyciele osobami z niespożytą energią, całymi dniami ćwiczący jogę, rozciągający się i relaksujący. Chcielibyśmy, żeby to była ;Uczenie jogi…
6 Reasons To Stop Obsessing Over Alignment ~ Maya Devi Georg
Settle down and unbunch your panties! Yes, yoga poses must be taught and performed in a way that eliminates the risk for injury. And, yes, the poses should be visually recognizable.…
Fanfare Or Fatronizing? ~ Maya Devi Georg
There is a growing phenomenon on social media. Yes, it is of yoga practitioners with tens of thousands of followers. And, yes, they post sexy selfies of themselves in asanas.…
Γιόγκα: Η πρακτική ενός πολεμιστή ~ Chris Kiran Aarya
‘Σαν Σαμουράι, πρέπει να ενδυναμώσω τον χαρακτήρα μου. Σαν άνθρωπος πρέπει να τελειοποιήσω το πνεύμα μου’ ~ Yamaoka Tesshu, ιδρυτής της Σχολής Του Σπαθιού Shoden Muto-Ryu. Αν πεις στους περισσότερους…
4 Ways To Advance Your Asana Practice ~ Maya Devi Georg
Maya Devi Georg Photo by Drew Xeron Nothing makes me crazier than hearing people tell me I’m naturally flexible. Because I’m not. In 1999, when I started practicing yoga. I…
In Defense of Gurus ~ Hari Kirtana Das
Hari Kirtana Das I have a guru. Many years ago, in an elaborate Vedic ritual, I confirmed my commitment to the spiritual practice my guru specified for all of his…
Energetic Pyramid Scheme: The Yoga of Exploitation ~ Chris Kiran Aarya
Yoga has been a positive experience in my life for more than 30 years and I’ve been blessed to meet and work with so many gifted and kind-hearted people in…
Dear New Yoga Teacher ~ Maya Devi Georg and Chris Kiran Aarya
Maya Devi Georg and Chris Kiran Aarya. Congratulations! You have just graduated from your yoga teacher training course! While this means that someone certifies that you can teach a yoga…
Ethical Clothing For Ethical Yogis ~ Maya Devi Georg
I recently called for a boycott of Lululemon. I did it because I felt that the corporate face of yoga should adhere to some small part of yoga philosophy. But…
Hey, Don’t Take This Personally. ~ Chris Kiran Aarya
No Passion, No Compassion. For anyone trying to live a mindful and compassionate life, at some point you’re bound to be told not to take something too personally; like the…