Tag archives for compassion
It’s All In Your Mind ~Maya Georg
Many years ago I experienced homelessness. I struggled finding an affordable place of my own to rent, and after a string of increasingly unhinged roommates, I ended up out in…
Why Do Western Women Love Kali? ~ Maya Devi Georg
I have always been fascinated by Kali. And I am not alone. Long ago I noticed the attraction to Kali I shared with other spiritual western women. We all seem…
The Age of Narcissism ~ Maya Devi Georg
We are living in an age of narcissism. Nothing is more celebrated than the self. Lives are carefully curated content - images, opinions, experiences - that are then idealized, digitized,…
Life Isn’t Fair ~Maya Devi Georg
Life isn’t fair. We lose loved ones to illness and age, even as we suffer with our own aging and illnesses. Things, like people, become lost or broken in time.…
Reclaiming the Word Fierce ~ Chris Kiran Aarya
Utkatasana is a powerful standing pose that can build heat quickly and for beginners, it makes your legs shake like Elvis. The asana (pose) draws its name from the Sanskrit…
Altruism As Vice: How Grief Shaming Hurts Us All ~ Maya Devi Georg
I There is a current trend in humanity where people criticize and attack others for being or doing good. It is a natural outgrowth of a growing cultural shift where…
Karma & Compassion, Yoga & Activism ~ Chris Kiran Aarya & Maya Devi Georg
Everyone is familiar with the work 'karma' and most understand it as the simple consequences of our actions. But by simply living in this world we also share karma…
A Deeper Spirituality ~ Hari-kirtana das
Lately it seems as if the world has gone off it’s rocker. Maybe it has. At times like these it’s tempting to retreat from the world. And a respite may…
The Day After The Election ~ Maya Devi Georg
Where Were You on 11/9? I was flying from Barcelona to Lisbon on a flight full of American high school students. They were loud and rambunctious, and discussing the election.…
Everybody Loves A Bully ~ Maya Devi Georg & Chris Kiran Aarya
Everybody loves a bully. In politics, at work, in yoga, bullying is part of almost every organization and institution because it helps maintain the status quo. Now I know what…