Archives for 1. Living Yoga - Page 6
The Yoga Dude’s Manifesto ~ Chris Kiran Aarya
I am Yoga Dude, hear me roar! It seems we yoga dudes are constantly being defined by yoginis (the dominant class in American yoga), and by men who don’t do…
The Day After The Election ~ Maya Devi Georg
Where Were You on 11/9? I was flying from Barcelona to Lisbon on a flight full of American high school students. They were loud and rambunctious, and discussing the election.…
The Goddess & The Guru (Excerpt) ~ Michael M. Bowden
The following is an excerpt of The Goddess and the Guru, the astonishing, inspiring – and yet deeply human – life of Dr. Nishtala Prahlada Sastry (better known today as Sri Amritananda…
7 σημάδια ότι οι φίλοι σας μπορεί να ζηλεύουν και τι μπορείτε να κάνετε για αυτό – Chris Kiran Aarya
Έχετε κάποιους φίλους που συνεχώς υποβαθμίζουν τη χαρά σας; Αναρωτιέστε ποτέ γιατί το κάνουν αυτό; Ίσως μόλις να βιώσατε κάτι καλό στη ζωή σας; να βρήκατε μια καλή θέση διδασκαλίας…
Vegan Kale Risotto ~ Maya Devi Georg
I love risotto! The basic concept of the dish is to simply cook rice in a sauce pan as you slowly add liquid. It is easy to make and is…
4 τρόποι για να εξελίξετε την πρακτική της ασάνα ~ Maya Devi Georg
Τίποτα δεν με εξαγριώνει περισσότερο από το να ακούω ανθρώπους να μου λένε ότι είμαι ευλύγιστη από τη φύση μου. Επειδή δεν είμαι. Το 1999 όταν ξεκίνησα να κάνω πρακτική…
Yoga & The Mountaintop ~ Chris Livanos
A seasoned instructor at a local yoga studio told me that she would often watch Martin Luther King speak, reflecting on how he spoke and why people followed him. Dr. King’s…
Everybody Loves A Bully ~ Maya Devi Georg & Chris Kiran Aarya
Everybody loves a bully. In politics, at work, in yoga, bullying is part of almost every organization and institution because it helps maintain the status quo. Now I know what…
Wild Thing Variations ~ Maya Devi Georg
These Wild Thing variations are for people that are already comfortable and steady in wild thing pose. Things to remember: keep your hand forward of the shoulder, keep your foot…
Finding the Soul in the Traumatized Body ~ Chris Livanos
“You probably aren’t doing enough yoga.” Those were the words of the emergency room doctor after my wife somehow managed to hoist me into the back of a car and…