Archives for 1. Living Yoga - Page 12
Be The Light ~ Doug Swenson
Be The Light If the desert would give back This sand, like a mother’s touch of warmth Yet cactus just dreams of a watery life And ask why – as…
Joga jest z natury feministką ~ Maya Devi Georg
Joga z natury jest feministyczna. A pisząc: feministyczna, mam na myśli humanistyczna. Pierwszym nauczycielem jogi był Śiwa. Pierwszym uczniem – Parwati. A pokorna ryba podsłuchała nauczania i przekazała je ludzkości.…
Fear & Loathing on the Yoga Mat ~ Maya Devi Georg
There’s a lot of talk about spiritual jealousy, but our spiritual sides have very little to do with it… We’ve all experienced it. A beautiful young woman joins a class you’re…
Why Daily Deal Offers Are Bad For Yoga ~ Chris Kiran Aarya
We’ve all seen the ads for daily deal sites offering a pack of yoga classes at a newer studio for some ridiculously low price. Twenty classes for $20---come and get…
Aparigraha in The Age of Consumption ~ Chris Kiran Aarya
A few years ago, I wrote an article, Retail Therapy For The Economically Recessed, which touched on the yogic restraint of aparigraha (non-hoarding, non-grasping). At the time, I approached it…
The Yoga of Learning a Language ~ Chris Kiran Aarya
“You live a new life for every new language you ; If you know only one language, you live only once.” ~ Czech proverb I’ve got to admit, I love…
Meditating Among The Mortars ~ Chris Kiran Aarya
I often tell people that I learned more about pranayama (yogic breathing) through suffering from asthma and allergies for years than from anything else. A story I tell less often…
Victim or Vigilante: Discerning the Difference While Staying on the Path ~ Maya Devi Georg & Chris Kiran Aarya.
We’ve both been subjected to a lot of violence in our lives. We’ve both had guns pointed at us. We’ve been in abusive relationships. We’ve both experienced the extreme of…
Enlightenment Through Six Pack Abs: Moha Samadhi & Modern Yoga ~ Chris Kiran Aarya
Recently my friend Marci Calabrese, an Albuquerque-based yoga teacher, heard from a young yoga teacher that: “Hot Yoga gets rid of love handles, give you a six pack, and then…
Yoga Is Inherently Feminist ~ Maya Devi Georg
Yoga is inherently feminist And by feminist, I really mean humanist. The first yoga teacher was Shiva. The first student was Parvati. It was a lowly fish that overheard the teaching…