Author Archives: Maya Georg - Page 2
Is Gymnastics Yoga? ~Maya Devi Georg
A student recently sent me a video of a young girl, no more than 11 or 12 years old, doing gymnastics with the tagline: “Yoga!!” It made me pause. Sure,…
There But For The Grace of God ~Maya Devi Georg
There is a deep human belief that bad things only happen to bad people, and if anything bad befalls a good person it is because they somehow deserve it. A…
The Teacher Is The Teaching ~ Maya Devi Georg
Every new yoga scandal is carried upon a chorus of "you have to separate the person from the practice" and "the teacher is not the teachings." Clearly, this seems to…
On Taste
by Maya Devi Georg I have always said and believed that a peoples culture was shaped by their ;Cold and unfriendly people come from cold and hard to reach places, while those that are warm and welcoming are often from coastal regions with long summers. I still believe this, but I…
Yoga & Cuckoo Culture ~ Maya Devi Georg & Chris Kiran Aarya
Cuckoos are curious birds. They do not build their own nests, nor do they raise their own young. They are brood parasites. They lay their eggs in other birds' nests.…
Baked Tofu & Potatoes Recipe ~ Maya Devi Georg
This unlikely alternative to 'meat & potatoes' is one of my most favorite meals to make lately. It is also a take on a traditional Greek dish of chicken or…
Altruism As Vice: How Grief Shaming Hurts Us All ~ Maya Devi Georg
I There is a current trend in humanity where people criticize and attack others for being or doing good. It is a natural outgrowth of a growing cultural shift where…
American Woman ~Maya Devi Georg
I remember years ago, when I lived in Washington, DC, being horrifically cat-called as I stood on a street corner with my then-husband and a friend as we tried to…
Karma & Compassion, Yoga & Activism ~ Chris Kiran Aarya & Maya Devi Georg
Everyone is familiar with the work 'karma' and most understand it as the simple consequences of our actions. But by simply living in this world we also share karma…
The Four Types of Hobbyists ~ Maya Devi Georg
Hobbies are how we pass the time, but they are also reflections of who we are, how we see the world, and who we want to share all of that…