Baked Tofu & Potatoes Recipe ~ Maya Devi Georg

This unlikely alternative to ‘meat & potatoes’ is one of my most favorite meals to make lately. It is also a take on a traditional Greek dish of chicken or lamb “στο φούρνο με πατάτες” – or “in the oven with potatoes.”
These dishes are very popular in Greece because they create a wholesome meal in very little time. Add a salad, and all the food groups are represented with little effort! Most vegetarian meals require a lot of prep time, while this dish takes no more than 20 minutes (which is probably why I love it so much!)
It also contains one of my favorite secret ingredients – Cloves. Most people will associate cloves with pumpkin spice, or other sweets, which is fair since that is where it is most often found. But adding cloves to savory dishes will add a smoky or meaty flavor. I encourage you to add one or two cloves to sautéed onions to see how the subtle aroma will enhance almost any dish!

Baked Tofu & Potatoes Recipe
1 Package Extra Firm Tofu (500 grams)
5 Large Potatoes
8 Cloves Garlic, Sliced
4 Whole Cloves
1 Tablespoon Oregano
2 Tablespoons Salt
1/3 Cup White Wine
1/4 Cup Lemon Juice (about 3-4 lemons)
1/4 Cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Pre-heat oven to 175* Celsius/350* Fahrenheit.
Cut tofu and potatoes into 1 inch/2.5 cm cubes. Place in a large pan.
Sprinkle sliced garlic, cloves, oregano, and salt over the tofu and potatoes.
Add the lemon juice, white wine, and olive oil. Place in oven, and stir occasionally.
Bake for one hour, or until all liquid (with the exception of the oil) remain in the pan, and the potatoes and tofu are golden brown. Pick out the cloves and enjoy!
Serves 4