Wild Thing Variations ~ Maya Devi Georg
These Wild Thing variations are for people that are already comfortable and steady in wild thing pose. Things to remember: keep your hand forward of the shoulder, keep your foot…
Finding the Soul in the Traumatized Body ~ Chris Livanos
“You probably aren’t doing enough yoga.” Those were the words of the emergency room doctor after my wife somehow managed to hoist me into the back of a car and…
Comment meurent les studios de Yoga. ~ Maya Devi Georg and Chris Kiran Aarya
Alors que la mode du Yoga bat son plein, aux Etats-unis et au Canada de plus en plus de studios de Yoga ferment et ; Comment expliquer ce paradoxe ? Cela…
Vegan Apple Fritters ~ Maya Devi Georg
Apple fritters are really just healthy doughnuts, and making them vegan is even better! Warm and gently spiced, these tasty treats can be made as a desert or as an alternative…
Stop Bitching About Yoga Alliance ~ Maya Devi Georg
The latest hot topic in the yoga world is about how much Yoga Alliance sucks. This is mostly done by teachers that conduct teacher trainings. While they were content to…
Election 2016: The Ultimate Test of Our Yoga Practice
"Collective fear stimulates herd instinct, and tends to produce ferocity toward those who are not regarded as members of the herd." ~ Bertrand Russell OK yogis, are you ready for…
Buy Less, Live More ~ Chris Kiran Aarya
Buy Less, Live More. Over the past year, we've heard more than a few observers state that the current economic downturn may have arrived just in time to save the…
Guilt Is Good: Why Feeling Bad Is Good For Us ~Maya Devi Georg
In ancient Greece guilt was given divine form as the Erinyes, literally meaning 'angry ones,' they were also called Furies for the terrible power they held. This trio of feminine monsters were born…
Terrorism, Religion, and Yoga ~Hari-Kirtana Dasa
The backhanded benediction, ‘may you live in interesting times’, is neither ancient nor Chinese. Nevertheless, we appear to be the unfortunate recipients of this odious blessing. As our hearts ache…
Take A Good Hard Look At Yourself ~ Maya Devi Georg
“Look at yourself.” What does the phrase mean to you? What images does it conjure, what memories are resurrected within you? It makes me thing of a David Sedaris short story,…