Tits & Ass In A Mala: Yoga In The Media ~ Maya Devi Georg
I’m getting really tired of seeing half-naked (or completely naked) women in yoga magazines and on yoga web sites. The images themselves are of young white women. They are depicted…
Co potrzebujesz usłyszeć? ~ Maya Devi Georg odpowiada na pytania Moni Kowalskiej
– Dobrze, Mayu, zacznijmy od asan. Każdy do tego zaczyna. – Większość od tego zaczyna! – Zaczęłaś od asan? Czy coś innego zrobiło z Ciebie fana jogi? – Od tego…
12 Do’s and Don’ts For Becoming A Famous Yoga Teacher ~ Chris Kiran Aarya
Just graduated your 200 hour program and wonder why you’re not filling a stadium yet? Just spent a fortune on hair, makeup, plastic surgery, and the latest yoga clothing and…
6 Gründe, warum du damit aufhören solltest, dich im Yogaunterricht damit zu quälen, dich nach anderen zu richten ~ Maya Devi Georg
Ja, Yogaposen müssen unterrichtet und in einer Art durchgeführt werden, die das Risiko für Verletzungen möglichst verringert. Und Ja, die Posen sollten mit dem bloßen Auge zu erkennen sein. (Wenn…
Sześć powodów, by nie mieć obsesji na punkcie ustawienia ciała w jodze. Maya Devi Georg
Uspokójcie się i nie róbcie z igły widły! Tak, pozycje w jodze muszą być uczone i wykonywane w sposób eliminujący ryzyko kontuzji. I tak, powinno się móc rozpoznać pozycję patrząc…
Mystery of Sprit: Tantra as Perennial Wisdom ~ Ramesh Bjonnes
A Mystical Dream A few years after I received Tantric initiation, I realized what yogic union or spiritual bliss is all about. It happened during a visit to a friend…
6 τρόποι για να αντιμετωπίσετε δύσκολους ανθρώπους που σας τρελαίνουν~ Chris Kiran Aarya
Όλοι έχουμε στη ζωή μας ανθρώπους που μας τρελαίνουν. Προκαλούν, πιέζουν, τσιγκλούν και όλα αυτά για να προκαλέσουν κάποια αντίδραση – και ποτέ δεν είναι θετική. Μπορεί να είναι η…
Leadership? A Review of The Lululemon-Yoga Journal Leadership Discussion ~ Hari-Kirtana Dasa
I had the good fortune to score one of only a hundred seats for The Practice of Leadership, a panel discussion held at the Yoga Journal Conference in New York City…
Thoracic Spinal Twist ~ Maya Devi Georg
Challenging - but worth it! This twist focuses primarily on the thoracic spine - the least flexible part of our spine. This helps build flexibility through the ribs, chest, shoulders,…
2 Ways To Live Yoga & Save The World ~ Maya Devi Georg
The United States Supreme Court just ruled that spending money is covered by our first amendment right to freedom of speech. And while this ruling is problematic, money can certainly…