Archives for 3. Yoga Philosophy - Page 4
Amrita and Ambrosia: The nectar of Immortality ~ Evi Bouzaki
I get very inspired from myths even though I sometimes forget the story. The myths that unfold in Greek and Indian texts are intriguing and can stimulate a certain philosophical idea that…
Tits & Ass In A Mala: Queen Of The Cage ~ Maya Devi Georg
Maya Devi Georg In 2013 I wrote an article called Tits & Ass in a Mala: Yoga in the Media - it was obviously about the media and its portrayal of…
Tits & Ass In A Mala: Yoga In The Media ~ Maya Devi Georg
I’m getting really tired of seeing half-naked (or completely naked) women in yoga magazines and on yoga web sites. The images themselves are of young white women. They are depicted…
Fear & Loathing on the Yoga Mat ~ Maya Devi Georg
There’s a lot of talk about spiritual jealousy, but our spiritual sides have very little to do with it… We’ve all experienced it. A beautiful young woman joins a class you’re…
An Introduction to Tantra: The Yoga of Sacredness ~ Ramesh Bjonnes
Most people in the West think of Tantra as a sacred sexual practice. When studying Tantra in India, however, I quickly learned that Tantra is much more than sacred sex.…
Karma, Suffering, and the Exquisite Joy of It All ~ Maya Devi Georg
I remember someone once posting an internet meme on my Facebook wall that read: ‘Karma Is Only A Bitch If You Are!’ Of course, everyone thought he was calling me…
Ethical Guidelines for Yoga Teachers ~ Georg Feuerstein, Ph.D.
As an integrated way of life, Yoga includes moral standards (traditionally called “virtues”) that any reasonable human being would find in principle acceptable. Some of these standards, known in Sanskrit…
Fame: The Ego Addiction ~ Maya Devi Georg
When did teaching 300 people yoga from atop a stage, never moving among students but remaining separate and above them, become normal? When did performing asana demonstrations with light shows…
Yoga Is Inherently Feminist ~ Maya Devi Georg
Yoga is inherently feminist And by feminist, I really mean humanist. The first yoga teacher was Shiva. The first student was Parvati. It was a lowly fish that overheard the teaching…