Archives for 3. Yoga Philosophy - Page 2
What The @#$% Is A Chakra? ~ Maya Devi Georg
I keep seeing workshops taught all over the world all about chakras. Workshops to "balance," "align," "tune-up," "detox," and "clear" Chakras. Except not a single one of those workshops (or teachers)…
A Deeper Spirituality ~ Hari-kirtana das
Lately it seems as if the world has gone off it’s rocker. Maybe it has. At times like these it’s tempting to retreat from the world. And a respite may…
In Search of the Highest Truth: Adventures in Yoga Philosophy (Excerpt) ~ Hari-kirtana das
The following is an excerpt of In Search of the Highest Truth: Adventures in Yoga Philosophy, a trip into yoga's spiritual dimension that offers readers an unconventional approach to discovering the enduring…
Bitches Be Guru Trippin’ ~ Maya Devi Georg & Chris Kiran Aarya
Let's begin by saying that there is no material reward for a spiritual ; In fact, any reward, material or otherwise, only hinders our practice. In chapter three of the…
Quintessence: Asana & Energy ~ Maya Devi Georg
In Latin the word quintessence refers to the fifth element, that which permeates all others. Today, it means the most perfect example or embodiment of a thing. We rarely see this…
Yoga: A Warrior’s Practice ~ Chris Kiran Aarya
"As a samurai, I must strengthen my character; as a human being I must perfect my spirit" ~Yamaoka Tesshu, Founder of Shoden Muto-Ryu School of The Sword If you tell…
The Goddess & The Guru (Excerpt) ~ Michael M. Bowden
The following is an excerpt of The Goddess and the Guru, the astonishing, inspiring – and yet deeply human – life of Dr. Nishtala Prahlada Sastry (better known today as Sri Amritananda…
Yoga & The Mountaintop ~ Chris Livanos
A seasoned instructor at a local yoga studio told me that she would often watch Martin Luther King speak, reflecting on how he spoke and why people followed him. Dr. King’s…
Finding the Soul in the Traumatized Body ~ Chris Livanos
“You probably aren’t doing enough yoga.” Those were the words of the emergency room doctor after my wife somehow managed to hoist me into the back of a car and…
Guilt Is Good: Why Feeling Bad Is Good For Us ~Maya Devi Georg
In ancient Greece guilt was given divine form as the Erinyes, literally meaning 'angry ones,' they were also called Furies for the terrible power they held. This trio of feminine monsters were born…