Tag archives for discernment
Know Thyself; or, The Bright Side of The Kali Yuga ~Maya Georg
Welcome to the Kali Yuga, the age darkness and ignorance. The Kali Yoga has been ongoing for millennia, and while there is debate as to when it began and…
Terrorism, Religion, and Yoga ~Hari-Kirtana Dasa
The backhanded benediction, ‘may you live in interesting times’, is neither ancient nor Chinese. Nevertheless, we appear to be the unfortunate recipients of this odious blessing. As our hearts ache…
Take A Good Hard Look At Yourself ~ Maya Devi Georg
“Look at yourself.” What does the phrase mean to you? What images does it conjure, what memories are resurrected within you? It makes me thing of a David Sedaris short story,…
Hey, Don’t Take This Personally. ~ Chris Kiran Aarya
No Passion, No Compassion. For anyone trying to live a mindful and compassionate life, at some point you’re bound to be told not to take something too personally; like the…
Сиськи, задницы и четки: йога в масс-медиа
Что-то я очень устала от всех этих полуобнаженных женщин в журналах и на сайтах, посвященных йоге… Как правило, на фотографии изображены белые молодые женщины. Они обнажены или топлес, или…
Victim or Vigilante: Discerning the Difference While Staying on the Path ~ Maya Devi Georg & Chris Kiran Aarya.
We’ve both been subjected to a lot of violence in our lives. We’ve both had guns pointed at us. We’ve been in abusive relationships. We’ve both experienced the extreme of…