Archives for 1. Living Yoga - Page 2
There’s Nothing Shallow About Beauty ~Maya Devi Georg
I had a friend in the fashion industry who often struggled with the reality of his work - the damage it did to women and the environment, as well as…
The Age of Narcissism ~ Maya Devi Georg
We are living in an age of narcissism. Nothing is more celebrated than the self. Lives are carefully curated content - images, opinions, experiences - that are then idealized, digitized,…
Life Isn’t Fair ~Maya Devi Georg
Life isn’t fair. We lose loved ones to illness and age, even as we suffer with our own aging and illnesses. Things, like people, become lost or broken in time.…
The 5 Obstructions To Happiness (and how to remove them) ~Maya Devi Georg
It took me a long time to figure out how to be happy. Most of us are not raised to be happy, we are raised to be perfect, or accommodating,…
How To Find The Right Yoga Teacher Training Program ~ Maya Devi Georg & Chris Kiran Aarya
Yoga is more popular than ever, with studios in every neighborhood (and in some cases every block) many sincere students fall in love with the practice and long to share…
Is Gymnastics Yoga? ~Maya Devi Georg
A student recently sent me a video of a young girl, no more than 11 or 12 years old, doing gymnastics with the tagline: “Yoga!!” It made me pause. Sure,…
Yoga and Modern Society: Changing The Flow. ~ Chris Kiran Aarya
Its hard not to notice the daily influence of the broader society on yoga in this country. We see it in the slick ads, the beautiful yoga clothes, and the…
Η Γιόγκα και η Διαταραχή Ελλειμματικής Προσοχής ~ Chris Kiran Aarya
Ήθελα εδώ και καιρό να γράψω για το θέμα της Διαταραχής Ελλειμματικής Προσοχής (ΔΕΠ) αλλά χανόμουν ανάμεσα σε άλλες 7-8 δουλειές που είχα ανοίξει και δεν μπορούσα να εστιάσω την…
So, What Do You Do? ~ Chris Kiran Aarya
After living abroad for so many years, I was unprepared the first time I once again heard that ubiquitous American conversation starter; "So, what do you do?" Its always interesting…
Reclaiming the Word Fierce ~ Chris Kiran Aarya
Utkatasana is a powerful standing pose that can build heat quickly and for beginners, it makes your legs shake like Elvis. The asana (pose) draws its name from the Sanskrit…