Tag archives for tantra
The Divine Fluidity of Gender: Tantra, Judith Butler, and the Path to Liberation ~Chris Kiran Aarya
Nonbinary and genderfluid identities, which exist outside the binary understanding of gender, align deeply with many philosophical and spiritual teachings found in Tantric traditions. Tantra emphasizes the transcendence of dualities,…
Ramesh Bjonnes: The Elizabeth Warren of Yoga & Tantra ~ Chris Kiran Aarya
A review of Ramesh Bjonnes’ new book: Sacred Body, Sacred Spirit: A Personal Guide to the Wisdom of Yoga and Tantra. In 2008 as the financial system was in teetering…
Mystery of Sprit: Tantra as Perennial Wisdom ~ Ramesh Bjonnes
A Mystical Dream A few years after I received Tantric initiation, I realized what yogic union or spiritual bliss is all about. It happened during a visit to a friend…
An Introduction to Tantra: The Yoga of Sacredness ~ Ramesh Bjonnes
Most people in the West think of Tantra as a sacred sexual practice. When studying Tantra in India, however, I quickly learned that Tantra is much more than sacred sex.…